Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 1- Thing 2 (continued)

After viewing the 7 1/2 habits slide show, I have been thinking about what was shared.
The assignment for workshop was to blog about which of the seven habits is the easiest and which is the hardest to keep. I love learning, so the easiest is to accept responsibility for my own learning ( habit 2). I regularly participate in discussions,classes, research and collaborate with colleagues. The hardest is to use technology to my advantage in the classroom. It is the hardest because that is an area that I have not taken enough time to actually plan and use newer strategies in my teaching. I think I am hesitant because I am not sure what would be the next best step for my classes. My goal for the upcoming year is to include a classroom blog as part of my classes. I have already created another blog ( before this workshop) for this purpose. Now, I can set it up properly. So I have made a "baby step" forward. Yeah!


Andrew said...

I undestand your concern about technology in the classroom. I'm also (relatively) young, and therefore technology should is not really an issue for me. However, it is a little more difficult to bring newer (or at least previously non-classroom based) technology into our lessons, so I am with you on that! techniques next year.

ESC1 said...

I started using technology in the mid-80s, but I resisted online applications for a few years. I took an online course in 1993 and that gave me the confidence to use technology in teaching and not just for administrative purposes.