Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 3- Thing 5

After browsing through FLICKR, I found many great pictures. One I wanted to use, had share this but also marked with "all rights reserved" so I decided to upload a picture of mine instead. This picture taken from the camp my daughter attends reflects beauty,fun, and adventure in one shot. That reflection is how I view this workshop using technology: the beautiful gift that technology is to us, the fun we can have using it properly, and the adventure of trying new things. Just like the slide, once your on board you are committed to going on the can enjoy it or have a fearful ride to the bottom. Either way, you will get your feet wet, so it seems more fun to enjoy it. Uploading the picture I took was not difficult and I was able to include it without problems. Now I need to work on my picture taking.

1 comment:

Elem Tech said...

I liked your picture. I could really connect to it. We recently purchased a play set for my 2 little ones. Hope it will be as nice.